Thursday, 10 February 2022

Buy Recharge cards And Voucher Pins From Confidence Communications Limited And Make Your Profits


This information is for only those who are ready to get result out of recharge card/voucher printing business. 

Confidence Communications  Limited is Registered by Nigeria Communication Commission (NCC) with registration number (11D7903). We have been in the business of GSM and CDMA PINS sales and distribution to our customers across Nigeria since 2004. We are number one NCC registered principal dealer and top PINS distributor.
We all know before now printing and selling of GSM vouchers has been a business reserved exclusively for the big distributors. But now, all that have changed, it’s all about who is interested and getting to know that you can actually control your market (no matter how small) by printing cards and vouchers on your own and distributing them to clique of outlets, makes the business even more interesting.
The recharge card market is so lucrative that banks are jostling for market share. According to a survey conducted in 2012, recharge cards are the fastest selling products in the country second to pure water, imagine how lucrative investing in the business could be with an insatiable demand for more and more cards. Provided you have enough money to start and run it effectively.
Before now sub-dealers where restricted to only able to print ₦100 and ₦200 vouchers, thank God for improved technology as sub-dealers can now print all denominations both scratched cards and vouchers with help of seal device tech system (SDTS MACHINE) which insight  the pins on the card and seal it ( silva panel and nylon.
If you are buying pins and the SDTS machine from Confidence  Communications    Limited, it will become our responsibility to always send you the already designed  cards and nylon proof as many as you want and will have them send  to you through transport companies will deal with, you then go to their office with means of identification for you to be able to claim whatever is being sent to you.
The already designed cards and nylons are free, yours is just to order for them as long as you have bought the  seal device tech system machine (SDTS) through us. The least  SDTS machine is seventy five thousand naira only ₦75,000. The machine is to impute the pin numbers to the designated place on the already designed card of different network and denominations.

It is a business you can start anywhere in the country without fear of low patronage provided there is GSM Network services and people are living there. Once you have the money to start, you are good to go in your own little way. This business is capable of making you good money if you do it well.

Everyday, over 3 billion naira is spent on Gsm recharge cards by Nigerians and over N90 billion every month.
1.How many GSM call centres are in the streets of Nigeria?
2. How many people use GSM phones in Nigeria?
3. How many recharge cards are loaded by both individuals and GSM calls centers.
You need to do a feasibility study of the area you want to set up your recharge card business – and that this article will not replace. However; this article  will guide you on how to conduct the study easily knowing what the study is intended to achieve for you. And we strongly recommend that you do the study before investing a dime in this business again.
Want to share a few tips with you that will guarantee you at least 200,000 and above a month. Do you know that all the phone boot operators buy vouchers from accredited printers?
Design a small form to design names, phone numbers, address etc go out in every street, meters away from your residence depending on how far you can. Explain to any operator you meet that you want to
business with them.

You also have the BULK buyers ( recharge card) and voucher distributors). This set of people are in between the sub-dealer and the retailers. They buy in large quantities and move around supplying phone boot operators, chops etc. You also need to have these buyers as your customers.Also give them any benefit you think of. Give the form to the person to fill and find out how much voucher can the person buy in a day or week. As you take your leave, make sure you leave your contact with the person. Go round. There are many of them around, be friendly with them and even offer to give them credit facility. Don't be afraid, business is all about risk taking.

Once you have collected as many contacts lets say at least 50 boot operators or even those who sell at home or at their shops. Build a database of the contact on anything, computer, notebook etc.
Obtain bulk SMS credits from any reseller to enable you send SMS cheaply. With this, you can start building relationship with them. This is where your leadership skill comes into play.
Let me share a secret with you. In this part of the world where people have lost the sense of the community, individual relationship has become paramount. So people appreciate personal relationship. Always text greetings and other things you think can speak to their emotions to them. Always send information about stock of vouchers.
This is Another strategy you can use which has worked for our customers (sub-dealers) is for you to ask for prices they retailer are currently buying from their sub-dealers, then reduce your price either by 50 kobo, one naira or more, depending on what you want to achieve.

 Another thing you should do is this; do you know that people that buy recharge card traveled miles, or even ride on okada to buy from dealer? If only some one could bring it down to them when they need it? This is their wish. People like ease and convenience thing. Rather than wait for them to come to you just start taking the vouchers to them. Encourage them to always pre-inform you when they are running out of stock. They will enjoy it.
Here is exactly how it works

There are three levels of recharge card business and each of this level or category offers profit that is proportional to the investment capacity.

Retailers are business persons who buys from wholesalers ( sub-dealers) at cheaper price and sell to end users at the cards surface price - the price written on the card. They make average of N5 per
100 denominated.
You will agree that GSM user's base is above 100 millions and is still growing. Despite this million making potentials in the telecommunication-GSM industry, "some people" are still not making a living with it.
Ever before now, these cards were being printed abroad and imported to this country by GSM service providers-MTN, AIRTEL, ETISALAT and GLOBACOM. However, it was stopped by the government by making it compulsory for all GSM service providers to print their prepaid calling cards here in Nigeria. This, therefore, opened another investment opportunities for Nigerians-Agents, Distributors, Retailers And The Consumers.
1. A desktop or laptop computers.
2. Internet access. ( not compulsory)
3. Printing software.
4. Printer.
5. Email address.
6. Recharge PINs.

How Much Can You Make From Recharge Printing Business?
 This business is a business of numbers and volume. On Each Card you Print, you can make between N7 to N15 Profit. This means that the money you will make is only limited to how many cards you can print and sell daily.
The amount of profit that you make depends on the capital that you are willing to invest. You can start the business with as low as  cards and earn total profit of 500 to 1,000 daily. 
8,800, however the more capital you have to invest, the more profit you will make. Depending on how many vouchers and cards you can buy and print and how well you can distribute and market them, you can be making between 50,000 and 200,000 and above every month.

1. Get your computer connected to the Internet or simply use a cyber café.

2. Download their software and install it on your computer.

3. Order for recharge PINs and pay the required amount into their bank account.

4. Send them your payment details, e.g., name, email address, breakdown of desired network, teller number and the amount paid.

5. They will send you encrypted PINs (these
PINs can only be read or interpreted by the company’s software).

6. Use the software on your computer to print out these PINs.
After you  make payments to the company's account, send a text message to the dealer's agent to notify them about your payment details. Also with a text message, you can send a break down of your order to the dealers phone E.g. “Send to me 500 units of MTN 400, 300 units GLO 1000, 200 units AIRTEL 500,200 unit ETISALAT 1000 and 300 unit VISAFONE ₦100. I have paid into your account.

Copy these PINS from your mail and save it in a notepad or Microsoft word document on your desktop. You can also save it in a flash drive, if you want to take the PINS to another computer not connected to the internet. Our software has special features, one of which will ask you where you save the PINS and it will upload the PINS automatically.
If you are using our console software, you will print and manage your encrypted PINS from this software after. Connect your printer to the computer and print in batches. You may inscribe your business name on the voucher if you wish. Our software is so easy to use. The software has a USER'S GUIDE which can guide you through anything you want to do with our software. Already, you are on your way to making good profits from the venture.
One thing Confidence  Communications  Limited use to advise is the fact that, always try as much as possible to analyze different dealers before really venturing into the business. We put this information here for general awareness, that does not mean you are oblige to buy pin from us, the choice of dealer will be absolutely yours to make. You are at liberty to buy from any principal dealer of your choice, but you will also need to install their software of such principal dealer in your system.
Recharge card business is a volume driven type of business, the more customers (retailers) you have that comes to  buy in bulk or you supply daily the bigger your business and the money and profit you make.
We sell the cheapest pins in the industry, that is why our dear customers all over Nigeria smile to the bank always in the nine years.
If you want to register with Confidence  Communications Limited and want us to send our console printing software, user guide, and price list to your email, text or email us your full name, address, phone number and email to (phone and email).
Once we receive your personal details, we will email you our software, userguide and price list, you then install the software in your computer ( Laptop or Desktop) and save the userguide and price list.
We open 8am and closes 6pm Monday – Friday, Saturdays we open 9:30am close 3pm. We start sending PINS to our customers ( sub-dealers)  by 8am till 6pm. If you pay for pins and you don’t send us your breakdown of what you paid for (PINS) by 6pm, you we have to wait till the following morning.
Below is the breakdown of our prices.

Selling Price                                 Amount
90 (100 to 600 units)                9,000-------------54,000
89 (700 to 1,200 units)             62,300----------106,800
88 (1,300 to 1,800 units)          114,400--------158,400
87 (1,900 to 2,500 units)          165,300--------217,500
86 ( 2,600 to 3,300 units)          223,600--------283,800
85 ( 3,400 units And Above)      289,000---And Above.
Selling Price                             Amount
180 (100 to 600 units)               18,000--------108,000
178 (700 to 1,200 units)            124,600------213,600
176 (1,300 to 1,800 units)         228,800------316,800
174 (1,900 to 2,500 units)          330,600------435,000
172 ( 2,600 to 3,300 units)        447,200------567,600
170 ( 3,400 units And Above)     578,000--And Above.
Selling Price                             Amount
360 (100 to 600 units)                 36,000--------216,000
356 (700 to 1,200 units)              249,200------427,200
352 (1,300 to 1,800 units)           457,600------633,600
348 (1,900 to 2,500 units)           661,200------870,000
244 ( 2,600 to 3,300 units)          894,400---1,135,200
240 ( 3,400 units And Above)       1,169,600-And Above.
Selling Price                             Amount
675 (100 to 600 units)             67,500---------405,000
668 (700 to 1,200 units)          467,600-------801,600
661 (1,300 to 1,800 units)       859,300-------1,189,800
654 (1,900 to 2,500 units)         1,242,600---1,635,000
647 ( 2,600 to 3,300 units)        1,682,200---2,135,100
640 ( 3,400 units And Above)   2,176,000-and above.
       PRICES OF MTN 1,500 CARD
Selling Price                             Amount
1,350 (100 to 600 units)             135,000-----810,00
1,335 (700 to 1,200 units)           934,500--1,602,000
1,320 (1,300 to 1,800 units)        1,716,000-2,376,000
1305  (1,900 to 2,500 units)        2,479,500-3,262,500
1290  ( 2,600 to 3,300 units)       3,354,000-4,257,000
1,275 (3,400 units And Above)        4,335,000 And Above.
Selling Price                             Amount
88 (100 to 600 units)                   8,800--------52,800
87 (700 to 1,200 units)                 60,900-----104,400
86 (1,300 to 1,800 units)              111,800----154,800
85 (1,900 to 2,500 units)              161,500----212,500
84 ( 2,600 to 3,300 units)             218,400---277,200
83 ( 3,400 units And Above)               282,200-And Above.
Selling Price                             Amount
176 (100 to 600 units)                    17,600----105,600
174 (700 to 1,200 units)                 121,800---208,800
172 (1,300 to 1,800 units)              223,600---309,600
170 (1,900 to 2,500 units)              323,000---425,000
168 ( 2,600 to 3,300 units)             436,800---554,400
166 ( 3,400 units And Above)        564,400-And Above.
Selling Price                             Amount
440 (100 to 600 units)                44,000----264,000
435 (700 to 1,200 units)             304,500---522,000
430 (1,300 to 1,800 units)          559,000---774,000
425 (1,900 to 2,500 units)          807,500---1,062,500
420 ( 2,600 to 3,300 units)         1,092,000--1,386,000
415 ( 3,400 units And Above)    1,411,000- And Above.
Selling Price                             Amount

880 (100 to 600 units)                 88,000-----528,000
870 (700 to 1,200 units)             609,000--1,044,000
860 (1,300 to 1,800 units)          1,118,000--1,548,000
850 (1,900 to 2,500 units)          1,615,000--2,125,000
840 (2,600 to 3,300 units)           2,184,000-2,772,000
830 (3,400 units And Above)     2,822,000--And Above.

If you are going to be printing scratch cards, you will need the Seal Device Tech System (SDTS) machine, with the SDTS machine, you can print all denominations from all network in Nigeria.
Please, also  use the prices above to for  your calculations of pins of different denominations  you will be buying.
NOTE: Eight thousand, eight hundred naira (8,800) can only buy a hundred naira (100) recharge card or voucher pins of a hundred unit, meaning you can only buy one network with it, same with 9000 for MTN
You can also email or call us for more information.
Phone: 09161908779,  Email:
Mr. David Azin
Marketing Manager.

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